10 public school districts across the country are lengthening the school day to improve student’s academic performances. It was said that they (school districts) are about to add 300 more hours into their school calendar. This provides more time for the students to learn new subjects or enhance a subject that they are struggling in.
“If school increased the total amount of days in a school year, the summer and breaks would be shortened and I would be very angry,” said Hamza Ariyan, a WJPS 10th grader.
“School is great, it’s my favorite place to be. I never get depressed when I come here. I am all for more school days,.” said Vipraal Budhram, a junior at WJPS.
I think that it would be really helpful for the students that are struggling academically. It gives students 300 more hours to enhance a subject that they are struggling with or those who are learning a new subject.
I doubt that public or private school teachers and students will enjoy more school days because it takes away their vacation days.