By: Sam Mosesson, Opinion Reporter
“Bro” this, “bro” that. Students have an immense lack of respect for their teachers, or just adults in general. Students casually address their teachers, calling them “man”, “dude”, “guy”, “bro”, or even by their first names.
Teachers deserve more respect. They go into work and give students a fair amount of respect, so it should be a two-way street. Students should distribute respect back to the adults A.K.A the teachers.
WJPS Student Jason Werner said “Certain teachers are chill, and you know how you can speak to them. For me it varies on who the teacher is, to be honest.” It shouldn’t matter who the teacher is, respect is earned and not given. The lack of disrespect overall is quite horrible.
There are always stories about students being disobedient, even fighting teachers when it reaches certain level. Fairness goes a long way, and being fair, having respect, and doing work is vital. Students should be reprimanded for addressing teachers in a inappropriate way, by using casual terms and not being formal in a way.