Many iPhone users may experienced a bug recently on FaceTime that allows users to eavesdrop on a person you are calling without them having to answer the call.
On January 25th, Grant Thompson, a 14-year-old from San Francisco, was one of the first to realize the bug when he called his friend on Apple’s video chatting software, FaceTime, and was able to see and hear his friend without him friend answering the call. His mother, Michelle Thompson, sent a video of the hack to Apple warning them of a major security flaw.
A week after Thompson had sent the first complaint to Apple, the bug was fixed. Within this time, many iPhone users did not know that they didn’t have a choice of accepting or declining a Facetime call. This has created some rage throughout the world that Apple let a potentially dangerous glitch slip through.
Apple’s slow response to the bug and neglect of making sure all their apps were safe for use has upset consumers and caused some to boycott the company.