by Samantha Ubertini, staff reporter

Students have the privilege to attend to the PTA is holding their annual Ice Skating fundraiser. The fundraiser will be held at the Andrew Stergiopoulos Parkwood Ice Rink in Great Neck, on November 14th. All profits will go back to the PTA so they can sponsor events in school in the future.
“I’ve gone to the ice skating fundraisers before, they’re a lot of fun to go to almost everyone in my grade goes,” senior Nicholas Pecunia said.
Money is due by November 10th for $13, the price will be raised to $16 after the 10th. The fundraiser will run from 7:30 until 10 pm. The ticket pays for entrance and skate rentals, students can purchase a food ticket for an extra $5.
“This is one of the most successful fundraisers that the PTA holds, I’m looking forward to seeing all the students that support the school,” PTA treasurer Christine Ubertini said.