Democrats will not win in 2020. If they do, they will do so teetering on the brink, holding on by a thread. The Democrats are split into two different camps. Even if they muster up a unifying voice, it will be a weak one.
In 2016, we all paid attention to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. They are the candidates best indicative of the two sides of the Democrats.
Clinton was the basic liberal, one we’re all aware of. Sanders was the more radical, newer, and Social Democratic side of the Democrats. Sanders lost because of some shady party politics. However,, he presented a fight stronger than what most afforded.
In 2020, the latter will pose candidates, revitalized by 2018 midterms. The former will be too scared of this scenario. They will raise what they have raised for the past few decades.
The mere existence of the former helped President Trump win. Middle America, which backed President Obama, is discontent with their neglect, and rightfully so. Trump is the perfect alternative. Many of those drawn to “Il Duce” were poor. Mussolini drew them in because past democracies had failed them. The current scene is occurring largely in the same vein.
Democrats need to embrace the Social Democrats if they want to get votes. It will relieve them of their “liberal elite” reputation.
In the midterms, we saw an interesting proof of this point. In various states, those presented with a basic liberal Democrat or a Trump supporting Republican went to the Republicans. In various states, those presented with Social Democratic Democrats or a Trump supporting Republican went to the Democrats.
Democrats must stop hand-wringing on those radical “Bernie-Bros”. They must accept where the heart of the party is moving.