by Melanie Carmona, staff reporter

Students started the 2013-14 school year dealing with missing classes from the previous year, due to the fact of not having enough teachers or time. All of these decisions were made by the programming office.
This school year has begun with certain classes missing, which in turn has left students restless. Some of the classes gone this year are documentary studies and magazine.
“In all honesty, the fact that we can’t take magazine anymore makes me sad. I’m also disappointed because we worked so hard on the first issue and it came out great,” junior Tina Kouridakis said.
While some classes weren’t completely taken out of the program, they were taken out of certain grade schedules. Algebra 2/Trig has taken out of the sophomore curriculum, and AP Chemistry has been taken out of the junior curriculum.
“I would like to have Algebra 2/Trig because I believe that I am ready for the class but since it is not offered to 10th grade this year, I will be in Trig next year, which will be fine. Instead of taking it as a one year course, we are taking it as a two year course,” sophomore Alyssa Striano said.
In the case of this year, some classes have been taken out due to the lack of certain necessary aspects. A major reason was whether or not students needed the classes. All in all, the core classes were kept, while others were deemed as unnecessary.
“There was a priority for the core classes, but then some of the classes were mainly taken out because they did not match the needs of the students, ” assistant principal Mr. Jurman said.