by Ardhys De Leon, staff reporter
Transitioning from junior year to senior year can be a big step; one that can bring about stress on making the decision on what college and career path is right. A way students can narrow down their searches and ease the stress is by attending college fairs.
The State Universities of New York (SUNYs) are hosting three college fairs that will take place during the month of May. By attending these fairs, students can get an insight on what campuses are like, tuition, general admissions requirements, and what programs those colleges have to offer.
SUNY’s will be hosting their first college fair on Sunday May 19th in the afternoon from 1pm to 5pm at Fort Washington Ave, New York. The second one will be on Monday, May 20th from 6:30pm to 9pm at Parsippany in New Jersey. The last fair will be on Tuesday, May 21st from 6pm to 8:30pm at Binghamton, NY.
In order to attend these fairs, students can register on the SUNY website and print their event pass. Students can also register by picking up a small pamphlet from the college suite and filling out the registration form inside. Students should RSVP by mail 6 days before the event. For more information, students can call 800-342-3811.
By attending at least one of these fairs, students will get a taste of what SUNY’s are like. This can help them decide if a SUNY is right for them. If not, students should remember that there are also City Universities of New York (CUNYs), private universities, and out of state colleges for them to go visit.